Welcome to Bromsgrove Concerts
Bromsgrove Concerts: bringing music alive and music lovers together.
We aim to provide varied and imaginative programmes, and to regularly introduce audiences to unfamiliar contemporary pieces to broaden their listening experience.
Special Summer Concert on Sunday 7 July 2024 at 7:00pm in Routh Hall, Bromsgrove School B61 7DU
A celebration of 100 years of Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue and goodbye to 60 years of Bromsgrove Concerts.
Reception from 6pm.: weather permittng, we are hoping to hold this on the lawn close to Routh Hall
Enigma Brass with Alastair Moseley (piano), conducted by Richard Jenkinson
An American in Paris,
Rhapsody in Blue
Marquez- Danzon No 2 - made famous by the Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra of Venezuela and written by Mexican composer in his typical dance style.
This was a wonderful well-attended final event - we went out with a Bang not a Whimper!
The 2023 - 2024 season has now ended. We have no current plans to put on another season of concerts.
From September 2021 all live concerts will take place in Bromsgrove School, either in Cobham Theatre, Bromsgrove Preparatory School (3D map) or in the new Routh Hall, Bromsgrove Senior School. (3D map) How to get there (with maps) here. Please also read our guide How to get to Routh Hall

School or College student?
If you are a young person in education then our concerts are free to you!
Unfortunately the booking system does not cope with this, but just turn up on the night and we will give you a free pass.
Book: A history of Bromsgrove Concerts
written and compiled by Joyce Chamberlain

You will be able to buy books at each physical concert, and also on this website at buy the book.